I am not a big bread person not because I don't think it tastes good. Here is why. I struggled with an eating disorder in my late teens and bread or carbs was a big no no, for me. Although I am much healthier (mind and body) today, somedays I still can't get myself excited about bread. That is why I have created this recipe. This recipe is great for those who struggle with similar issues, those who are on a low-carb diet or those who just love a meal that is dominantly protein based! I have taken the traditional Japanese style tofu burger and westernized it.
Ingredients: (makes about 4 patties)
1 firm tofu package (300g)
2 tsp of veggie stock (powder)
1 tbsp of brown rice flour or any flour
1/2 cup of black beans
dash of salt and pepper
olive oil (to grease the frying pan)
How to make:
Press the tofu. Put the pressed tofu, the veggie stock, flour, black beans, salt and pepper into a blender and mix only slightly until all the ingredients are combined. Mold the mixture into patties. Grease the pan and put it on a medium heat. Gently place the patties into the pan and cook for about 5 minutes. When one side is golden brown, flip the patties over and place a lid on top of the patties (this will help cook the inside). Cook for another 5 minutes and then enjoy!
Ingredients I used between the patties
-vegan cheese, sliced tomato, sliced red onion, broccoli sprouts (avocado is recommended)
Hot sauce:
4 cherry tomatoes
2 tsp ketchup
1 tsp chilli powder
How to make:
Chop the tomatoes. Put the chopped tomatoes, ketchup and chili powder in a food processor and blend until smooth.